1 x Day Prevention & Management of Violence & Aggression Breakaway

Course Outcome

By the end of the session participants should be able to:

  • State causes of aggression and identify preventative measures.
  • Describe the importance of communication, de-escalation, and staff support when dealing with aggressive incidents.
  • Describe the use of reasonable force.
  • Have an awareness of lone working procedures.

Demonstrate techniques to:

  • Breakaway from: Wrist holds, Hair pulls, Strangles, Clothing holds, Body holds, Bites utilizing a graded approach to individual situations
    • Defend against kicks and punches


  • This is a physical course where participants will acquire skills to disengage if grabbed by an attacker.

Target Audience

For all staff who come into contact with aggressive or potentially aggressive people, but who are not likely to have to use restraint techniques.

This course is not suitable for women who maybe/are pregnant.

Course Duration

This course is delivered over 1 day.


Martin Watson
RNMH / PMVA Trainer

Make An Appointment

Fill in to form below with your details and we be in touch within 24 hours to discuss your course booking.